Saturday, June 13, 2009

Being the Optimist I am NOT!

Sometimes, so many things happen, it gets hard to decipher what is issue X and when and how issue Y cropped up. Then things go dormant for a brief period, and characteristic to how we like contradicting ourselves, we long for some "issue" to come up to rid us of this boredom and spice things up! Ba!

It's easier to deal with the nonsense life throws at you once there's a philosophy attached to it. I like to think of this above statement using the following counter-analogy (if such a term exists)-an ad quoting a free-bee, but with that teeny tiny asterisk symbol next to "free", spoiling all the fun. Now if I said even when life's all happy, you will need to worry about the "asterisk" that is playing spoilsport then that would be the pessimist's path. Considering this as dangerous and familiar turf to someone who has fought a vain battle with Miss Pessimism, we shall tread no further and stick to the purpose of this post - a way out for people who're down in the dumps..

I find it happening way too often-everything seems to come crashing down all at once! I find things going out of control and they overwhelm me pretty fast. What does one do? I know that for every situation, every predicament I have had to face, there is a lesson. As lame as this may sound, every experience has its share of "things to keep" and a major part of "things to throw". This would help greatly when it comes to forgetting events that have left us bitter. I found this hard to do, but I have realized it makes me feel better in the long run, and I am at least sure of how to face similar situations.

Here are my set of philosophies. I take my time to recover (ok fine my Chief Advisers, I take ages sometimes!) but with these in mind, I know that dwelling on things doesn't help either..

1) Boring lecture ? - "Even the longest hour is just sixteen minutes." (Chief Advisor shared this with me once)
2) Had a taste of Mr.Grumpy? - "It's ok, because in the future you're sure to have an even worse employer/coworker/peer/other. Mr.Grumpy should be your testing ground. Be strong!"
3) Want to get away from the terrible life you think you're having? - "You'll move out soon, and things will get better."
4) Think you're unlucky when every one's having it good? - "It's a lesson everyone learns the hard way - today it's you who's unlucky, tomorrow it could be them."

Then come the cliches and Miss Pessimism replies to them as follows
1) Everything happens for the good. - "Yes We're still waiting for the "good" part!
2) It's all a lesson. - "BS! I'm done with classes."
3) You'll just need to wait. -"Yeah sure, a coupla more years of this nonsense wont kill me right?"
4) It'll get better. -"When do I get better?"

The above answers, as spontaneous as they are, leave us feeling worse. Miss Pessimism is trying to hide and go as far away as possible. I'm trying, I hope you can too!

Carrot Points - 1) Chief Adviser/Bear has got me thinking about buying a MacBook thanks to this great offer .. hmmm
2) reading a good book all day.
Rotten Carrots - 1) Having to deal with वोह लोग of every kind and temperament!
2) Obama's comment on how Indian kids study more and how we are pulling the rug beneath Americans' feet wrt education and jobs! Not very promising, this!

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